About us
The Peel Adult Learning Centre (PALC) is a non-profit community organization in the Region of Peel. We serve a diverse group of individuals from our community, no matter their human identity or experience. We have been successfully delivering academic upgrading programs for over 30 years.
We have patient, innovative, qualified staff experienced in adult education who are dedicated to helping our students reach their goals.
Governance is provided by a volunteer board of directors with experience and knowledge in adult education and training, labour adjustment, policy analysis, research, and literacy.
Our Employment Ontario programs are funded by the Government of Ontario’s Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development
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Customer Service Charter
Customer Service Charter
- The Peel Adult Learning Centre (PALC) is a not-for-profit, community-based organization.
- We are part of Employment Ontario.
- We began program delivery in 1992 and incorporated in 1998.
- We are governed by a Board of Directors.
- We are a customer-focused organization and are committed to delivering quality programs and services that will help adults prepare for their future.
- We offer an outcomes-based, flexible, supportive, and respectful learning environment based on adult learning principles.
- With us, suitable clients can prepare for employment, post-secondary, apprenticeship, and secondary school credits by improving their essential skills.
- We strive to provide a safe learning environment free from risk, harm, and harassment for learners and staff (guided by the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act).
A culture of customer service from the start Before admission- We will ensure our website www.palc.ca is up-to-date.
- We will respond to phone, email messages, and requests submitted via our website within two business days.
- We will offer information and referral services to help you decide your next step.
- Based on the information you provide to us, our friendly, respectful, and knowledgeable staff will listen to you and provide clear, accurate information.
- Following an individualized assessment, you will be contacted with results within five business days.
- Based on your individual assessment results, you will be offered admission or directed to a more suitable program based on your skills, needs, and goals.
- If, at the completion of our assessment period, results indicate you are eligible to join the Peel Adult Learning Centre, staff will work with you to develop an individualized learner plan within the first four weeks.
- We provide an orientation process so learners get a clear understanding of our program, our policies and rules, and our expectations for learners.
- PALC’s staff members are here to support and assist you. Support will be available within the classroom and with our education counsellor, who will endeavour to help you with individual needs.
- We support learners to access community supports that they require.
- We provide information and referral services to learners who have social or economic needs or those needing a different or more suitable program.
- We support learners to access and participate in other training, employment, and community services to help them meet their goals.
- We are knowledgeable about resources and services provided in our community and make effective client referrals.
- We will endeavour to help you plan your next steps beyond this program.
- We provide quality instruction by skilled instructors who follow a learner-centered delivery model that meets the needs, motivations, and goals of our learners.
- We provide instruction in a variety of formats to meet the needs of different learning styles.
- We work to address the barriers to learning faced by adult learners.
- Your instructor will provide prompt feedback, and assignments and results will be reviewed and returned promptly.
- There will be one-on-one assistance available to you.
- Your individualized learner plan will be reviewed with you monthly and progress towards your chosen goal path will be discussed.
- We strictly honour the need for confidentiality of service.
- We regularly update our privacy policies and procedures to ensure strict compliance with requirements mandated by our core funder.
- We value and respect diversity: age, gender, race, ethnicity, culture, physical and intellectual ability, religion, beliefs, sexual orientation, and educational background.
- We seek to accommodate people with disabilities and special needs wherever possible.
- We adhere to the Canadian Human Rights Act and all appropriate government legislation.
- We encourage customer feedback – whether positive or negative – and have feedback forms available at the reception desk.
- We have clearly posted procedures in place for complaints.
- We follow up on complaints within an agreed upon timeframe and manner as posted in our Complaint and Resolution Process.
- We will regularly assess our customer service practices and improve as needed.
- We track and review feedback from our clients and change our customer service practices if needed.
- We follow up on any issues, questions, concerns, needs, etc. raised by our clients.
- As part of the program’s monitoring process, we work with our core funder to identify areas of strength and areas for improvement in our customer service practices.
It is important for PALC to track and evaluate its effectiveness, and we count on you…- to build a good relationship with staff and other clients based on mutual respect
- to disclose all information and circumstances that may affect your learning or our ability to support you
- to respect deadlines and take responsibility for your learning
- to advise us immediately of any changes to your phone number, mailing address, or email address
- to advise us of any change in your personal or employment situation which might affect your participation
- to stay in touch with us after you have left – we care about your ongoing success
- to give us your comments, suggestions, and concerns so that we can use them to improve our programs and services.
Confidentiality and Privacy
Confidentiality and Privacy
The Peel Adult Learning Centre protects the privacy of its clients by following strict guidelines that meet the requirements of privacy laws for the Protection of Personal Information. Here are some of the ways we protect your personal information:- Some information has to be collected, but you will always be told what is being collected and why it is being collected. You will sign a permission form so that we may have this information.
- All staff members understand the requirements of the privacy laws and are under a legal obligation to handle your personal information carefully. It will be locked up when not being handled by staff.
- Only staff members who need to know personal information disclosed to us will have access to that information.
- Paper information will be kept for the length of time required by our funder, and then be securely destroyed.
- Information stored on a computer will be password protected and destroyed securely when paper copies are destroyed.
- Personal information can be disclosed or collected without informed consent only in the case of extreme emergency (eg. the information is required by law or if someone’s life, health, or security is threatened).
- You may see what personal information we have collected at any time.
- Any questions about our Confidentiality and Privacy Policy can be directed to the Peel Adult Learning Centre’s executive director, 905-507-0111, ext. 203 or 905-495-2700, ext. 4.
- We make every effort to protect your privacy, but if you have a complaint, it can be directed to the executive director (above) or sent by email to info@palc.ca